Aamir Khan's much anticipated show Satyamev Jayate is undoubtedly doing the rounds for quite some time now. However, unlike the initial trending of promising promotional stints, Aamir Khan's singing skills has now come in news! Wondering where has this come from? Well, the makers have recently launched the video of Satyamev Jayate anthem, in which Aamir is seen crooning for the very first time. In fact, intending to strike a chord with aam admi emotions.,what further makes this anthem unique is its innocence and instant charm. So, what do you think will Aamir be able to increase patriotic fervor by this stunt? Well, only time shall tell that. But what remains constant is our flawless Mr. perfectionist Aamir Khan, what's say? On this note, do give us your opinion in the comments section below and for latest Bollywood updates, don't forget to subscribe to Bollywooduncut.