Alia Bhatt is getting experimental these days with her respective roles in her respective movies. From playing a fashion-conscious and arrogant young girl in her debut film Student Of The Year, she is also seen in a de-glam role in her recent film Highway.
Although she says she won't be able to do something as wacky as going bald for a movie, but is much open to do bold and hot scenes.
In a recent interaction with media, the actress said that she would love to do a film like Murder, and have no issues at all in doing bold and hot scenes.
Her father, filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt, is quite known to have produced several bold movies like Murder, Jism, Raaz and Kalyug, in which there's plenty of scorching lovemaking scenes, and thus chirpy actress Alia is eager to do one such.
Is papa Bhatt listening? We believe many filmmakers have already!