Movie Name: Hasiya
Title Song: Haatha Ma Aajako Raata Ma.
Film made under the banner of Chams Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
Star Casts are : Rajesh Hamal, Hema Shrestha, Ruby Rana (Special Appearance) and other friends.
Story written by: Anup Sapkota
Choreography by- Renasha Rai
Director of Action: Raj Kumar Uprety
Music given by- Kalyan Singh
Post Production Studio : Chams Entertainment Pvt. Ltd.
Edited by - Arjun GC, Badri Lamichhane and Milan Chams
Jointly Produced by : Som Shrestha, Jitendra Chemjong
Directed by- Milan Chams
भिडियो हेर्न तलको बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोला