Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel got the shock of her life recently when she got touched inappropriately by her fan during the launch of a jewellery showroom in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh.
Over the past year, a lot has been said about indecencies that the women in the Indian society have to endure.None of the female actress and models are considered to be safe in country even now, doesn't matter the number of guards she has… After Nagma, Asin Bollywood actress Ameesha Patel got mobbed lately. She was groped by a so-called fan during the launch of a jewellery showroom in UP. She was dressed in a yellow salwar kameez and was making her way through the crowd, taking the advantage of the chaos, a man groped her. Ameesha who was in mood to act as a helpless victim of molestation, immediately slapped him. Ameesha after a momentary pause slapped him again twice across his face, so that he wouldn't even think to do it again with any other actresses and female in future.
Hats off for bold Ameesha.